TomSust 2023 – “Workshop on Tourism Sustainability and Regional Development ”
11th-12th October, Bruneck | Brunico (Italy)
TomSust 2023 aims to attract scholars interested in contributing to deepen our scientific understanding regarding tourism sustainability and regional development by adopting a destination-based, demand-based, community-based or a society-based perspective.
The workshop will take the form of plenary sessions with discussions on the recent advances in tourism sustainability and regional development through an international perspective and through studies based on different fields and approaches.
Phd candidates are encouraged to submit their work and participate into the discussion.
The event is intentionally organized in such a way to favour interaction and to promote formal as well as informal open discussions.
While submissions in all fields of Tourism Sustainability and Regional Development are welcome, in particular we invite submissions within the following fields:
- Community and tourist’s wellbeing
- The economics of sustainable tourism
- Tourism impacts
- Sustainable tourism indicators
- Sustainability in the hospitality sector
- Sustainable event marketing and management
- Sustainable regional development
- Rural tourism and sustainability
- Overtourism/undertourism
- Crisis management and tourism sustainability
- Community-based tourism
- Transformative tourism
- Climate change and global warming
- Food waste management in tourism
- Sustainable mobility
- ICTs and technologies 4.0 for tourism sustainability
- Sustainability in developing countries/emerging economies
- Ethics in tourism and hospitality
- Corporate Social Responsibility
Publishing opportunities
Selected papers within the scope of the EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TOURISM RESEARCH (Scopus, ESCI – Clarivate Analytics) ( will be invited for possible publication in a regular issue after the usual double-blind review process.
Abstracts of approximately 2000 words are to be submitted by Friday 11th August 2023 via the event website
All contributors will be notified about the selection (by no later than 20th August, 2023).
Co-chairs of TomSust 2023
Linda Osti – Free University of Bozen-Bolzano; Bangor University
Gabriel Brida – Universidad de la República
Thomas Bausch – Competence Centre Tourism and Mobility, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
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